Will Ministry of Trade forbid using children in “Superlotto” commercials?

ERB has found out that a complaint of parents about a commercial of “Superlotto” was being studied by the department of advertisement control. They do not like the commercial where a boy walking along the street says “I will give my mommy a present – let her get a car thanks to “Superlotto”. Then he approaches his mother and presents her flowers and a ticket. However, parents are indignant at the fact that it is shown that children can spend money on something besides food. The department of advertisement control informed ERB that the commercial was going through an expertise.

A member of the Ministry of Trade: We have a complaint concerning this commercial. So we are considering this case now. The decision should be based on the law or on the expertise. It will be taken during 2 weeks.

ERB has found out that lottery tickets were sold without any age limit. Even kids can buy them.

Presenters of the show and authors of the commercial do not think there is something wrong about it and say that nobody has complained to them.

Alesya, presenter: On the contrary, parents send us thank you letters. They say it’s impossible to calm children down during week-ends but when “Superlotto” starts they take tickets and watch it calmly. The game develops their mind because children memorize numbers. Our show is very beautiful and spectacular. Children watch it with their mouths wide open.

ERB has decided to ask specialists to decide whether it was right and ethical to use children in commercials of the kind.

An advertisement specialist Yuliya Lyashkevich thinks that children can be shown only in commercials advertising children’s goods.

Lyashkevіch: I think that children should be banned from commercials of gaming. In general, the presence of children in any commercials should be minimal. They can advertise children’s goods or things that are good for health. They you can show the family and children. Children believe in commercials and take it in a literal sense.

Psychologist from the centre “Children’s town” Svyatlana Vasileva says that children perceive commercials subconsciously and get impressed on them.

Vasіleva: Laws of perception and appeals to the lowest human instincts are used in commercials. In comparison with adults, children are closer to instinctive patters of behavior.

According to the psychologist, “Superlotto” is trying to affect parents by the commercial.

Vasіleva: Slavonic people have a special attitude to children. Children are values. Seeing a  child arises confidence.  So it is an ethical question whether you can use them or not.

By the way, psychologists complain about social commercials shown on the Belarusian TV because the mechanism of intimidation is used there. Svyatlana Vasіleva recalls an example of a social advertisement in which a burglar is trying to get in a flat when a child is at home. She says that the reaction of children was negative and some of them started crying after it.

Photo by – “Superlotto” official site