Vladislav Baumgertner

The Belarusian lawyers defending the Uralkali CEO insist on meeting the Attorney General.

The Chinese fund Chengdong Investment has received 12.5% of its shares. It should facilitate the export of Ural potassium, experts say.

Deputy Energy Minister of Russia Kirill Molodtsov has said this at the conference "Sakhalin Oil and Gas 2013".

Consul Victor Koryagin says the Belarusian side should reply within 3 days, in accordance with the Vienna Convention.

The issue has been briefly discussed at the meeting of the two leaders at the CSTO summit in Sochi.

Yuri Ushakov, an aide to the president of Russia, says the Kremlin expects Belarus to extradite the arrested Uralkali CEO.

Lukashenka has asked to inform London and Moscow Stock Exchanges “about the real financial situation” at the Russian enterprise.

He may be needed there after the Russian Office of the General prosecutor gets all his case papers.

Uralkali key shareholder Suleiman Kerimov blames himself for Vladislav Baumgertner's arrest.