Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu

Not much time is left before the presidential election campaign-2015 but there is still no information about the single opposition candidate.

Euroradio picks at least five potential single opposition candidates for Belarus presidency, but only Nyaklyaeu admits he wants to run.

Belarusian opposition leaders have met Israeli Ambassador Iosif Shagal today, on February 14.

Israel's ambassador in Minsk Joseph Shagal says he would like to discuss the problem of political prisoners.

But he remains Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu’s adherent, he wrote on Livejournal.

Pro-democracy opposition leaders discuss 2013 achievements with Euroradio.

Ex-presidential candidate Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu explains his life in politics at a poetry reading event at the Belarusian House in Warsaw.

The Belarusian and Ukrainian riot police acted in the same way during the Square-2010 and Maidan-2013.

Suggestions to exclude the countries that do not show interest in the Eastern Partnership program circulate ahead of the Vilnius summit.