Uladzimir Makei

Uladzimir Makei and Sergeiy Lavrov are meeting in Moscow to discuss foreign policy cooperation between the two states.

Minsk’s envoy was refused to take part in the discussion on the situation in Belarus at the Euronest meeting in Brussels.

The official Minsk keeps negotiating with the EU to unfreeze bilateral relations on Belarusian terms, the expert says.

Belarus foreign policy chief Uladzimir Makei says Belarus wants to see Ukraine a sovereign and independent state.

The Belarusian Minister for Foreign Affairs will pay a visit to Lithuania on February 28.

It has been announced in Minsk today.

The Belarus leader and members of the Belarusian delegation celebrate Darya Domracheva's win in Olympic biathlon pursuit in Sochi.

Belarus foreign policy chief Uladzimir Makei meets high-ranking diplomats from the EU, US and Vatican.

The 20th meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OSCE member states opens in Kyiv on December 5.