Tallin drivers tie up traffic in protest against authorities’ actions

A protest action organized by opponents of the current authorities and the Prime Minister Andrus Ansip has taken place in Estonia today.
Some cars were moving freely across the centre of Tallin and beeping. The traffic was practically blocked in some streets.

It was the drivers’ reaction to the appeal of the organizers of a campaign aimed at dissolution of Parliament and resignation of the Prime Minister Ansip.

Some of the city thoroughfares were also blocked. As it was informed, many people received SMS’s and Internet messages with the appeal “Tomorrow (April 30) till Ansip’s resignation.

Everywhere! All traffic will slow down to 5 km per hour and start beeping from 12 till 12.20 p.m. Tell all your friends”.

A number of Russian speakers’ organizations including the Committee of May 9, famous Estonian politicians and scientists demand resignation of the Prime Minister.

According to them, the authorities’ policy concerning Russian speakers and the plan of transferring the monument to Warrior-Liberator that the Right call “a symbol of the Soviet occupation” provoked mass riots last week.


З патрабаваннем адстаўкі прэм'ер-міністра выступае таксама шэраг грамадскіх рускамоўных арганізацый, у тым ліку ствараемы Камітэт 9 траўня, вядомыя эстонскія палітыкі і навукоўцы.

Паводле іх меркавання, палітыка правага ўрада ў дачыненні да рускамоўнага насельніцтва і планы пераносу помніка Воіну-вызваліцелю, якога правыя называюць "знакам савецкай акупацыі", справакавалі ў канцы мінулага тыдня масавыя беспарадкі.
