Strike of entrepreneurs in Belarus

The Belarus leader on Tuesday is holding a meeting with the government to discuss regulations for individual entrepreneurs.

The appeal for July 15 March of Entrepreneurs has been withdrawn from Minsk City Executive Committee in response to it.

Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich led the cabinet meeting on July 5 to discuss the Customs Union's certification regulations for light industry.

Chairman of the Republican public association "Perspective" was detained on June 27, on the day of the entrepreneurs' warning strike.

The entrepreneurs consider it impossible to work in the conditions of the Customs Union technical requirements, introduced recently.

Head of the analytical centre of the Republican Business Confederation Anatol Zmitrovich has announced the number.

The biggest Minsk market has joined the June 27 strike on June 27.

Radio Liberty journalist Ihar Karnei has told Euroradio about it.

Two markets are closed, the others are half closed.