
Stories and reportages about life in Belarus

Alexander Lukashenko, Boris Yeltsin, and Vladimir Putin in 1999 / Reuters
Alexander Lukashenko, Boris Yeltsin, and Vladimir Putin in 1999 / Reuters
How Minsk and Moscow planned to become closer but fell out with each other once again.
Gienek Loska / @Agencja Gazeta
Gienek Loska / @Agencja Gazeta
The Polish X Factor winner Gienek Loska suffered a stroke when he came to visit his mother in Belarus. He remains bed-driven.
Ryzskaja Street in Capajeuka  / Euroradio
Ryzskaja Street in Capajeuka  / Euroradio
Euroradio interviews a Roma baron's son about big houses, jealousy of the locals and treatment from the police.
Maksim Syamashka at home / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Maksim Syamashka at home / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
A 19-year-old paralyzed youngster can barely move his hand but tries to enjoy himself, gets tattoos and earns money.
Pavel Hadzinski / Euroradio
Pavel Hadzinski / Euroradio
Love and support stories from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Moldova
Raman Protasevich, Euroradio​
Raman Protasevich, Euroradio​
Belarus opens the Exclusion Zone for tourists 33 years after the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Zakaria and Klim's father was killed in Aleppo. They returned to Belarus, found their mother but cannot even go to school.
282 tons of anthracite from the so-called ‘DPR’ and ‘LPR’ were supplied to Poland from Belarus in the past 10 months.
"I don't crave motor bikes." Two Georgian men had their hearts transplanted in Minsk. The donors were motorcycle riders.