Political Parties start forming CDF fractions

Alyaksandr Kazulin’s social-democrats will form their own fraction “Just and solitary Belarus” at the Congress of Democratic Forces. But the question whether the fraction will be registered still remains. There are 80 people wishing to join it but 90 people are needed to make a fraction, reports “AFN”.

Six people leaded by Anatol Lyaukovich have been elected to the Political Council of the United democratic Forces. Anatol Lyakovich is the head of the party.

BNF also chose its members for the Political Council. By the way, the BNF Soim decided that all BNF  members who were delegates at the Congress should enter the Political Council. “Renaissancers” will be excluded from the party.

The head of the BNF fraction at the Congress will be Victar Ivashkevich.