Piotr Poroshenko

Ukraine president Petro Poroshenko also demands the release of captive pilot Nadezhda Savchenko.

People killed by terrorists in the attack on a passenger bus near Valnahava will be commemorated today.

Minister of Ukraine Information Policy, Yury Stets, sais in December that the broadcast of the Ukrainian channel in Belarus will start in January 2015

Tripartite contact group will meet in the Belarusian capital on 24 and 26 December.

Ukraine's First National Channel will start broadcasts in Belarus in January, Ukrainian sources report.

The Belarus president is likely to meet his Ukrainian counterpart in Kiev on December 21.

Belarusian capital will once again become the place for discussions of Donbas events.

The exchange of captives and removal of military equipment from the line of battles will be the main topics on the agenda.

Official Kiev would like to conduct the negotiations on December 9 while militants’ leaders insist on December 12.