
Aliaksandr Milinkevich, leader of Movement for Freedom, reckons the opposition first needs a strategy to attract the electorate and then a leader.

Lithuania's Conservative Party and opposition United Civil Party in Belarus are scheduled to sign a memorandum of cooperation today in Minsk.

He left Belarus two years ago.

Playwright Tom Stoppard has collected this year's Pen Pinter Prize at the British Library in London.

In the video, Andrei Dzmitryeu talks about the good police, drunken opposition activists and the dispersal of candidate Nyaklyaeu's column.

Activists from youth pressure group Zmena cycled along Surhanau Street to Victor Tsoi’s Changes on October 2.

Pavel Vinahradau and his father have been delivered to Minsk Soviet District Court.

Belarusian opposition leaders discuss a single candidate for the presidential election in 2015.

Uladzimir Yaromenak and Vasil Parfyankou are convicted of breaking the rules of preventive police supervision.