Oil and Gas

The Belarus diplomacy chief describes a standoff about gas price between Belarus and Russia as "small problems".
Energy Minister Uladzimir Patupchyk says Belarus has money in the budget to settle the debt accumulated since early 2016.
Ministry of Anti-monopoly Regulation and Trade moves to abolish the raised tariffs for the Russian oil crude transit.
Minister of Energy Uladzimir Patupchyk will represent Belarus.
Russian oil company Transneft says Belarus has violated the current agreement and refuses to sign the proposed tariff increase.
Russia is set to take Belarus to court over unilateral 'incredible surge in crude oil transit duties.'
Belarus has violated the existing agreements, representative of the Russian company Transneft Igor Dyomin said.
The prominent economics guru Leanid Zaika comments to Euroradio on what to expect from the ongoing gas dispute with Moscow.
Prominent economist Leaniz Zaika tells Euroradio that Russian gas should not cost more than $50 per 1000 cubic meters for Belarus.