non-governmental organization

The initiative has been suggested by the information and educational organization “Platform” protecting prisoners’ rights.

The human rights defender's wife Natallia Pinchuk has been informed about this in the Valadarski street detention center.

The human rights activist used to serve his sentence in Zhodzina prison #8.

He has sent a letter to Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Radoslaw Sikorski and Polish Ambassador to Belarus Leszek Szerepka.

Central District Court has returned the human rights defender guilty of using bad language in the street.

The trial will take place on Monday, January 30, in the Central district court of Minsk (Kirau street, 21).

5 members of Ukraine's Supreme Council have come up with such initiative.

The official statement of members of the Polish Sejm will be presented on Friday.

European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle met with human rights defender Valyantsin Stefanovich.