Negotiations contact group on the Donbass in Minsk

Russian media on October 8 reported about the resignation of Donetsk People's Republic prime minister.

Leonid Kuchma arrived at the contact group negotiations about 7 pm.

The press office of Belarusian MFA confirms to Euroradio the contact group will meet in the afternoon in President Hotel.

The contact group will gather in Minsk for the third time.

Ukraine ex-President Leonid Kuchma says the next meeting of the contact group on Ukraine is scheduled to take place on September 19 in Minsk.

The trilateral contact group Ukraine-Russia-OSCE will meet for another round of talks, says Ukraine's Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin.

Protocol was signed by representatives of Kiev and the self-proclaimed republics PRD and PRL

Tripartite contact group (Ukraine - OSCE - Russia) will meet to resolve the situation in Ukraine.

The plan may be used as the basis for negotiations of the contact group in Minsk on September 5.