Mihail Myasnikovich

The PM's watch is twice more expensive than the President's. But businessman Yury Chyzh beats them both - his watch costs $400 thousand.

The two PMs will meet in Yalta on September 28.

Mihail Myasnikovich opened school #42 in Minsk district Kamennaya Horka.

The Belarusian Prime Minister and one of the leaders of the Central Military Commission of China Xú Cáihòu have met in Minsk.

He will take part in a meeting of CIS PMs on May 30.

Economic observer of “BelGAzeta” Syarhei Zhbanau has assessed the today’s statement of PM Mihail Myasnikovich.

Euroradio has read her microblog.

The Belarusian PM urged the business circles of Vietnam to participate in such projects actively.

The EU is preparing to expand the list of Belarusian officials and businessmen to impose visa and economic sanctions.