Mihail Myasnikovich

Myasnikovich had allegedly accused Baumgerten of 'breaking up the Union state" before security agents stopped the Russian businessman at the airport.

Vladislav Baumgertner is being held in Belarus capital Minsk, facing charges of office abuse.

Don’t get involved in unauthorized activities and the state will file no claim, Maksim Yermalovich says.

The Prime Minister has visited the enterprise Belmedpreparaty today.

Belarus PM Mikhail Myasnikovich says ruble will not collapse as there is enough foreign money in the country.

Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich led the cabinet meeting on July 5 to discuss the Customs Union's certification regulations for light industry.

Belarus Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich keeps surprising the public with his command of foreign languages.

The Belarusian-Lithuanian economic forum will be held in Klaipeda on Thursday.

Head if its board of directors Syahei Rumas has reported it.