
Euroradio explores what will change after Belarus adopts a new Code on Culture.
Local authorities will discuss the problem soon, deputy Minister of Trade Iryna Narkevich announced.
The amended laws will make it easier to obtain a refugee status and harder to get Belarus citizenship.
The parliament approves provision that regulates information dissemination for children.

The suggestion can be found in the law of amendments to a number of codes considered by the House of Representatives.

The law is timed to mark 70 years since victory in the Great Patriotic War. Over 2 thousands will be released and 8.6 thousands amnestied.

The begging woman won’t tell you the victim’s name, cannot show any documents and explains that the operation was… on the lungs.

The president will address the nation during the spring session of the parliament, House of Representatives speaker Uladzimir Andreychanka said.

A renowned blogger defies an established practice in Belarus when people must report to police just after a telephone call from investigators.