Funny things in the world

The temperature was -52 degrees Celsius.

The man made a heart-shaped figure from the iPhone gadgets on the pavement.

Russia unveiled the official logo of 2018 World Cup on October 29.

The pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine's Luhansk region are also set to found their own football federation.

Russia's veterinary officials in the Bryansk region block over 90 hamsters from Ukraine to enter Russia.

The stripes resembling the colors of Ukraine's flag are part of the markings left behind after the Victory Parade in the Russian capital.

The police and employees of district administration interrogated over 1000 people including minors on in Shalisnki District, Chechnya, on the night of August 17.

The curious incident has occurred at the opening ceremony of Moscow International Film Festival.

New dainties have appeared in the best-known Lviv café – Lviv Chocolate Workshop.