Sanctions against Belarus

The Council of the EU updates the Belarus travel-ban list, adding one and removing eight officials.

The Chargé d'Affaires a.i. let Chubais the cat enter a new building first and said what he had not managed to do during his work in Belarus.

The work of the new European Parliament may start with a scandal – a pro-Putin faction of nationalists and eurosceptics has been created.

Experts: The visit of Belarusian president to Serbia was made possible by loopholes in the law, but it may cost a lot to Serbia politically.

Exports of Belarus-made goods to Russia is down 7% since the West's recent sanctions against Moscow, says economist Yaraslau Ramanchuk.

7 youngest EU member states have marked the 10th anniversary of their membership (PHOTO).

The head of Mazyr colony Alyaksandr Lapatka was added on the EU black list accidentally, the ex-political prisoner reckons.

The European Union has no reason to lift the existing restrictions.

Belarus foreign minister Uladzimir Makei speaks at the UN General Assembly in New York.