Sanctions against Belarus

Was the statement about Crimea meant for the one viewer who could give us a loan? / Reuters
Was the statement about Crimea meant for the one viewer who could give us a loan? / Reuters
Sanctions or Lukashenka's stance on Crimea, Belarus will continue to lose money. There are only two options.
Lukashenka called Crimea part of Russia in an interview with a Russian TV propagandist / Euroradio 
Lukashenka called Crimea part of Russia in an interview with a Russian TV propagandist / Euroradio 
Ukraine promises sanctions but can hurt herself due to close economic ties with Belarus.
Russia exports oil to Belarus on friendly terms/collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Russia exports oil to Belarus on friendly terms/collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Classified imports from Russia is growing, while the Navapolack refinery has enough for Belarus, Ukraine and international hubs.
Out of the EU countries, Poland and the Netherlands are the ones that Belarus trades the most with /
Out of the EU countries, Poland and the Netherlands are the ones that Belarus trades the most with /
The EU and US account for a quarter of Belarus' exports since the sanctions were imposed.
The list of companies also includes IKEA / sample photo
The list of companies also includes IKEA / sample photo
The project is needed to urge companies cooperating with the regime "to boycott Lukashenka," the creators note.
Port in Klaipeda / delfi​
Port in Klaipeda / delfi​
There is still no alternative to Baltic ports for fertilizers.
A bank in Belarus has closed Andrei Mukovizchyk's account / Euroradio
A bank in Belarus has closed Andrei Mukovizchyk's account / Euroradio
Andrei Mukovozchyk was put on the EU 'black list' in June 2021.
Pavel Topuzidis, Viktor Prokopenya, Aleksander Moshensky / collage by Euroradio
Pavel Topuzidis, Viktor Prokopenya, Aleksander Moshensky / collage by Euroradio
Euroradio takes a closer look at the Belarusian entrepreneurs loyal to Lukashenka who have escaped the Western sanctions.
Navapolatsk plant "LLK-NAFTAN" has decided to change its name, ownership structure and increase the number of owners in order to avoid the U.S. sanctions.​
Navapolatsk plant "LLK-NAFTAN" has decided to change its name, ownership structure and increase the number of owners in order to avoid the U.S. sanctions.​
A large producer of petroleum products is trying to protect itself and its counterparties.