Conflict in the Crimea

Three pro-Russian militants were killed and 13 injured during an overnight raid on a military base in eastern Ukraine. 63 people were detained

Deputy Governor of Ukraine's Dnipropetrovsk region Boris Filatov promised awards for captured Russian commandos and their weapons.

Russian subversive intelligence groups in Sloviansk reportedly received the order to retreat last night.

The economic sanctions imposed on Russia may open up additional markets for Belarus, reckons Belarus foreign policy chief.

Aleh Slizheuski from Ministry of Justice answers Respubilika readers’ questions about Belarusians imprisoned in Crimea.

The presidential candidate has urged to settle the crisis by means of negotiations.

An urgent meeting of UN Security Council, called at Russia’s request, fails to support Russia’s position on Ukraine.

The state leader made the statement during his visit to the enterprise Slutsk Belts.

Ukraine's envoy to Belarus Mikhail Yezhel who left for consultations on March 25 is back in Minsk.