Conflict in the Crimea

The head of the referendum commission of the Supreme Crimean Council Mikhail Malyshev has announced the referendum results.

Igor Sechin and Alexei Miller have been added on the black list of Russians – the EU will impose financial and visa sanctions on them.

The United States is ready to impose sanctions on Russia, U.S. President Barack Obama told Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

96.77% of Crimeans want to join Russia (photo, video)

He has been detained near Changar pass in northern Crimea.

Russia wants to protect its citizens all over Ukraine.

Russian Foreign Ministry makes a strong statement over March 13 clashes in Donetsk.

The Russian citizens with light injuries confessed to medics they had been behind the clashes with pro-Ukraine demonstrators in Donetsk.

Four instigators of the fight have been detained, Ukrainian Minister of Defence Arsen Avakov said.