Chicken becomes expensive because private entrepreneurs are forbidden to sell it

The fact that private entrepreneurs will have to organize unitary enterprises will influence prices at markets. The state has started influencing pressure on entrepreneurs: at first battery farms stopped cooperating with them. Now they will be forbidden to import cloths and footgear. Analyzing the recent situation it is easy to understand what the words of the vice Prime Minister Andrei Kabyakou concerning the quick change into unitary enterprises mean: it is necessary to do it “at any price and as soon as possible”. At the same time, the group headed by Kabyakou was created only on September 14. An order of “Belptushkapram” forbidding battery farms to sell their products to individual entrepreneurs appeared four days ago.

ERB decided to find out whether farms were sticking to the order and phoned a battery farm in Baranavichy.

Sales department: We do not cooperate with private entrepreneurs now. We received this order from “Belptushkapram” and stopped cooperation with individual entrepreneurs on September 19.

The European Radio for Belarus informed that Belarusian battery farms stopped selling their products to private entrepreneurs a week ago. An individual entrepreneur Hanna Krauchanka is indignant at the decision of “Belptushkapram”.

Hanna Krauchanka: People are left without products. We turned to the Department of business and to Mr. Kalinouski but he said: “Give me the data and I will try to deal with this issue”. Nobody knows whether the problem can be solved this week. Meanwhile, entrepreneurs are left without work.

According to a private entrepreneur Ales Makayeu, entrepreneurs did not know about this order on the strike day of October 2. Chicken could be bought during two weeks after the order was signed and nobody is going to talk about it today. There were problems with chicken even in summer – farms were selling it unwillingly says they lacked products. Nobody could think that there would be a shortage of chicken soon.

The head of the “Bellehpram” concern Eduard Naryshkin aggravated the problem by saying that only legal entities (not private entrepreneurs) should be allowed to import light industry products. According to the press secretary of “Bellehpram” Volha Yakimovich, the concern is trying to protect the market.

Volha Yakimovich: First of all, there are no documents like that. I think his announcement was untimely and I do not know how to comment on it. We would like only legal entities to import products to protect the market. But there are no such documents at the moment.

We can predict prices for clothes and footwear now. Even the price for chicken has increased during the past week. It can be explained by the fact that entrepreneurs have to buy it from legal entities.

Hanna Krauchanka: I visited Nyasvizh at the week-end; the shortage of chicken could be felt there. The choice was very limited. The situation is like that in all provincial towns. So the prices have increased. Why? Private entrepreneurs are selling the rest of their products or buy chicken from legal entities.

Not all private entrepreneurs are able to survive in such “favourable” conditions. 21 shops are for sale at Zhlobin market now.

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