
Constructing the Belarusian nuclear power plant will cost almost $200 million more than originally planned.
Yuras Belenki is trying to appeal the fines for commemoration actions in Kurapaty and Loshytsa Yar held in 2014.
The check-up was conducted on December 29.
The Ministry of Interior publishes an official response to the open letter by Catholic Archbishop of Belarus.
The website has been warned for ‘the distribution of information that may do damage to the public interests’.
"This is only three out of 85.5 thousand criminal cases for us,” Ivan Naskevich said.
They gathered near the monument to Maksim Bahdanovič on the classic poet’s 125th birthday anniversary in central Minsk.
The Belarusian Association of Journalists head comments on the detention of anti-Belarusian propaganda columnists.
The Belarusian edition will publish an article about the head of the Russian Agricultural Inspectorate Sergey Dankvert on Thursday