
The March of Indignant Belarusians will begin at 1800 in Kastrycnickaja Square in Minsk on February 17.
Moscow reacts after a poll in Russia says 78% of Russians support putting a visa regime with Belarus in place.
60% of respondents in a VTSIOM poll in Russia say they are against price discounts on natural gas for Belarus.
State mass media will cover the meeting, officials said.
The city’s democratic coalition has appointed the action for February 19.
High-ranking defense and security officials as well as regional authorities are meeting in Minsk to discuss security threats.
Belarus ranks 116th among 125 countries in the Top 10 with low crime levels and high safety standards.
Over 200 people visit Belarus without visas during two first days of the visa-free regime.
Most of the visitors - 16 people - arrived without a visa from Germany on the day when the 5-day visa-free regime came into force