
Photo from Andrei Stryzhak's Facebook account
Photo from Andrei Stryzhak's Facebook account
The trade union activist from Homiel will remain behind bars for ten days.
Photo: Social networks
Photo: Social networks
A new graffiti has appeared in Minsk.
Lithuanian MEP Petras Auštrevičius says a group of European Parliament members were not allowed to visit Belarus.
Volunteer Yuliya Hrankova was found guilty of illegal dissemination of information via a mass medium - her social media account.
Activist Nina Bahinskaya, 70 came to the KGB building on March 24, holding the poster ‘Release political prisoners’.
Young Front activist Nasta Dashkevich gets a Br345 ($170) fine for being present in the Kurapaty defenders' camp.
Minsk police chief Alyaksandr Barsukou has called the sculpture of a policeman ‘a sacred place’. He announced it when commenting o
Belarusian Railways denounces media reports about cancellation of service to the international gateway from 7 April.
Anarchist Vyachaslau Kasinerau faces criminal ‘hooliganism’ charges over a performance act.