
Ales Byalyatski is a suspect. He spent the night in Akrestsina prison.

There are no human right defenders at the moment.

Volha Bandarenka is afraid that they will transfer her husband to the prison hospital without an opportunity to have a proper rehabilitation period.

Trials against participants of the picket in support of Zmitser Dashkevich took place in Drybin and Horki on August 3.

Alyaksandr Stsepanenka and Pavel Stefanovich have been detained near the BelAZ entrance checkpoint.

Their cases will be considered in Horki District Court.

OSCE/ODIHR director Janez Lenarcic has expressed the anxiety.

Drybin police have informed about it.

The cases of the activists detained during a picket in support of Zmitser Dashkevich in Horki have not been sent for trial.