
The political scientis commented upon Lukashenka's todays statements in Kazakhstan on relations with the U.S. and EU

Leader of independent trade unions Alyaksandr Buhvostau and politician Victar Ivashkevich compare the current situation in factories with that of 20 years ago.

According to the political scientist, Belarus-EU relations may be normalised only after the imprisoned opposition members are pardoned.

Sevyarynets - 3 years of restriction of freedom, Halip and Martsaleu - 2 years of imprisonment with arrest of judgement for 2 years.

Sannikau got 5 years of imprisonment in a reinforced security colony, Hnedchyk - 3,5 years, Mirzayanau, Yaromenak and Vasilevich - 3 years of the same.

Tough sentences have been pronounced by the judge.

Lawyers are indignant at the fact that Zmitser Bandarenka’s phone talks were used as evidence against him.

Lukashenka’s scandalous insults are unlikely to cause any international reaction.

Blogger Yauhen Lipkovich is going to send an open letter to the Official Union of Writers.