
Fewer people were detained that time than before. Plainclothed agents tride to conceal the detentions from journalists.

Deputies of the OSCE member states discuss sharp resolution on Belarus. The Belarusian delegation reproved the Brits for slow issuance of visas for sportsmen.

Euroradio did not leave the event unattended. We suggest to your attention a series of photo reports from the most cultural bowery of Belarus. Part 1.

The founder of Art-Manor, Pavel Belavus, has explained why it was being ousted: "Who likes active people expressing themselves now?".

Euroradio has asked Minskers about their craziest deeds.

The singer-student tells how to pass exams without "stimulants" and whether it is possible to combine music with the examenation session.

The HR defender explains how the procedure of considering someone a political prisoner looks like and what it is for.

Euroradio has asked Minsk passers-by in what cases it is possible to do without a bribe.

EHU teacher Victar Martsinovich has explained why we should not be afraid of the youth going abroad and why a teacher needs to be a DJ.