
President of the human rights organization Freedom House David Kramer has said this.

On Tuesday, Leanid Maltsau made a speech at the seminar for the press services of state authorities and regional representatives.

Russia's Criminal Code does not specify anti-presidential crimes, while in Ukraine attempt at state leader's life may be punished with life-time imprisonment.

We are glad to use the recommendations and talk to heads of the canteens where you can buy good and cheap dinners.

ODIHR OSCE Spokesman Thomas Rymer tells Euroradio who prepares the report on the parliamentary election and why they are not afraid of not being invited.

A counseling interview from Euroradio.

Chairperson of the BPR Council tells about the government in exile activity, Latushka's appointment as Ambassador and her knowledge on contemporary Belarus.

The leader of Christian Conservative Party tells Euroradio if special services are using him in their fight with opposition.

Euroradio has interviewed Belarusian political refugees.