
Russia is set to take Belarus to court over unilateral 'incredible surge in crude oil transit duties.'
The budget for 2017 was adopted in the first reading on Monday.
Leanid Zaika has commented on the budget adopted in the first reading.
Belarus has violated the existing agreements, representative of the Russian company Transneft Igor Dyomin said.
The export of apples exceeds the Belarusian harvest by 5 times, Russian deputy prosecutor general Vladimir Malinovski announced.
Belarus will report the results of the stress tests at the nuclear power plant site to the European Commission.
Prominent economist Leaniz Zaika tells Euroradio that Russian gas should not cost more than $50 per 1000 cubic meters for Belarus.
The budget was discussed ‘in the zero reading’ on September 21.
The raise is envisaged in the state budget draft currently being reviewed at the House of Representatives.