Belarus officials expects orders not to destroy historical monuments

The wooden Belarusian churches of 17th and 18th centuries continue to be destroyed thanks to a thoughtless "Eurorepairs". The unique buildings are often covered with the siding in the Viysebsk and Brest regions.Драўляныя беларускія цэрквы XVII і XVIII стагоддзяў працягваюць вынішчацца, "дзякуючы" бяздумнаму “еўрарамонту”. Апошнім часам унікальныя будынкі абшываюць сайдынгам. Такія выпадкі зафіксаваныя ў Віцебскай і Брэсцкай абласцях. Kazimir Lapich, a member of the coordination council for the protection of material and spiritual heritage at the Brest regional administration, revealed to the European Radio for Belarus how to stop destroying the churches.

Kazimir Lapich: “A policy should be developed. Officials has to get orders that this should not be done. If we all new, we would definitely not do it. But nobody has formulated this policy about the cultural heritage sites. We will know that this is a topic that requires attention”.

He also said that the issue of wooden churches was not discussed at the recent meeting of the coordination council.