Belarus EU

Belarusian diplomats have met with a Benelux Union delegation.
PACE members are also on the Belarusian ‘black list’, Ukrainian MPs noted.
The Head of the EU Delegation to Belarus continues pushing for the restoration of civil rights for former political prisoners.
OSCE/ODIHR director Michael Georg Link calls on Belarus to stop executions, introduce immediate moratorium on death penalty.
Belarusian deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs has announced it at an international conference in Minsk.
Vice President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Kent Härstedt regrets that the Election Code is not going to be changed anytime
The United Kingdom also continues bringing children from Belarus' contaminated areas for treatment.
The European Commission has made a statement dated for the 30th anniversary of Chernobyl disaster.
The frontier guards did not want to let her enter Belarus because she was blacklisted in Russia.