Zmicier Lukashuk

The majority of the political parties speak out in favor of continuing the election campaign while the left forces from the Just World are ready to withraw thei

The Supreme Court of Belarus has rejected a complaint from the Belarusian Association of Journalists against a warning from the Ministry of Justice. Now freelan

The judge claimed it at the begging of the hearing, but lawyers are expressing their protest anyway

The police have searched the apartment of Charter'97 web site editor

В День Конституции Еврорадио узнало у экспертов, действительно ли мы живем по главному закону страны и все ли статьи этого закона действуют

The chairman of the Constitutional Court reckons it does not confront with the country's Constitution.

Syarhei Novikau said he disliked Olympic meals, Asol Slivets explained why she had disturbed her colleagues at night and Darya Domrachava complained about Olymp

ERB has tried to find out whether opposition representatives will have to compete with each other for deputy seats during April elections

The flat of the editor-in-chief of “Narodnaya Volya” Svyatlana Kalinkina has been searched in connection with the “hunting case”