Zmicier Lukashuk

The lawyer Tamara Sidarenka has not been provided access to her client Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu so far. He has been kept in the KGB detention center for the 4th day

Employees of the KGB detention centre waiting room are refusing to accept the parcel Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu’s wife Volha has brought today.

Euroradio correspondent witnesses Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu, surrounded by followers and journalists, trying to get to October Square on December 19.

If October Square is occupied by armed forces, armoured troop-carriers and the police on December 19.

The CEC Chairperson has told when the election results will be known and whom the presidential candidates will become in the evening on December 19.

Vital Rymasheuski told us a political joke, explained why he felt sorry for sexual minorities, said where a museum of communist crimes would appear in Belarus.

Another investment project failed in Pruzhany district: greenhouses from China had not arrived, cabbages and tomatoes had been overgrown with wild grass. Now th

Euroradio has found out that the candidates will not be given an opportunity to debate with the chosen sparring-partners, but the host will just ask them questi

Sannukau announced a minute’s silence, Ramanchuk promised Paris to Yarmoshyna and the CEC revealed Pravalski’s “tricks” and organized a draw to define the turn