Zmicier Lukashuk

Euroradio has asked Minsk passers-by in what cases it is possible to do without a bribe.

Participant of the conference Andrew Wilson says that the West is much more united as regards its attitude to Belarus than it used to be before December 2010.

Such long-term visas can be given only to the people whose future is known to the Polish Consulate.

Kseniya has explained to Euroradio why she has exchanged glamour for protests, compared Russia to Belarus and said that she is ready to spend 15 days in jail.

73 delegates of the BAJ VIII Assembly, which is taking place in Minsk, have voted for her, and only one has voted against.

"Tell the Truth" activists tell Euroradio how they liked the detention center in Smalyavichy and when they plan to return there.

He will not visit Kazakhstan as some mass media say.

In his opinion, the judges were mistaken as the Parliament "has no powers to declare the death moratorium".

Kalinkina confessed that she wrote the winning text under the influence of age and circumstances, while Zelyankova was inspired by Lidziya Yarmoshyna.