Zmicier Lukashuk

Belarus' Interior Minister says law-enforcement officials have disrupted the operation of several high-scale drug trafficking gang
It is easier to get a credit from the Eurasian Stabilization and Development Fund rather than from the IMF, the Minister believes.
The number of migrant workers in Belarus totalled 24 thousand people in the first nine months of 2015.
They are trying to find out whether he was searched for weapons at the border.
The 2016 Belarus budget draft is yet to reach the parliament after missing the December 15 deadline.
The Russian MP tells Euroradio a Russian airbase is crucial for the Kremlin in the light of worsened relations with the West.
The first Belarusian Nobel Prize laureate needs to take the initiative in order to be awarded in Belarus, Barys Svyatlou claimed.
MPS are suggesting that they take retraining courses in advance.
The agreement on visa facilitation has been agreed upon by the EU and Belarus and is ready for signing.