Zmicier Lukashuk

The MPs posed just two questions to the Finance Minister presenting the 2017 budget draft. Only one MP voted against.
The CEC chairperson does not know what she will be doing after retirement.
The leader of the Liberal-Democratic Party will represent Minsk Province in the Council of the Republic.
The CEC trusts official election protocols more, the CEC chairperson said.
Investigators have interrogated 500 witnesses and watched 500 videos from CCTV footage 40 days after the journalist's murder.
Opposition activists bring white-red-white flags to a central square in Minsk to mark the Independence Declaration's anniversary.
The construction is being conducted according to all the existing security norms, head of Astravets District Executive Committee.
Minister of Internal Affairs Ihar Shunevich shares with Euroradio what presents the delegates received this year.