Volha Mickievich

What will the new youth Belarusian TV-series be like? Will there be love and silent actions? Answers author of the "Higher that the Sky" script Andrej Kurejchyk

The political prisoner's wife has told how she managed to meet with him in hospital #5 and how Zmitser Bandarenka feels after the surgery.

The political prisoner's fiancee has told Euroradio why she has no hopes their wedding will take place soon.

Another "Stop Petrol" action has been announced today.

This time the editor of "Vitsebsk People's News" was supposed to explain to the authorities why there had been appeals to come to July 3 action at the forum.

Euroradio has called Dzianis - witness of yesterday's events in Bruzgi.

Deputy General Prosecutor Shved claims the accused of metro blast committed 14 crimes. Former investigator Pyzhyk is concerned about quality of investigation.

It has been initiated by Andrei Sannikau’s sister Iryna Bahdanava.

The ex-presidential candidate said this on air to Euroradio.