Vital Ruhain

Some banks have set the dollar exchange rate at 22 200 roubles and the euro costs 24 200 now.
Euroradio has asked people who still remember the Soviet time to read out extracts from the writer’s latest book.
Euroradio has calculated the prices and wages we may get after the denomination.
Mikhail Pishcheuski dies after spending more than 12 months 'like a vegetable' but the man who did it is already out of prison.
The number of viwers at the Champions League match is equal to 6 games of Naftan vs Neman with only 300 people attending.
The young man tells Euroradio why he posted the picture and if he is afraid of the consequences.
The meeting suddenly turned into an assembly for the creation of the Movement for Statehood and Independence headed by Nyaklyayeu.
Как живут люди в Кибере, Кения
A Kenyan man carrying a bunch of green bananas in Nairobi's suburbs. Photo: Euroradio
Four kilometers from the center of the Kenyan capital Nairobi, a million people don't have water, electricity and sewerage.

Alyaksandr Lukashenka pardoned six political prisoners on August 22.