Pavel Sviardlou

In the video, a panda throws a ballot into the box, and then leaves, satisfied.

How many people boycotted the parliamentary election? Euroradio has compared the results presented by the CEC, sociologists and independent experts.

Bahdankevich deposited Br 4 million in a bank, Chaly takes great risks, Ramanchuk doesn't play games with deposits, while Zaika keeps his financial secrets.

"Valencia" think they are the favourites in the match against BATE.

Victar Hancharenka is giving a press conference in the press centre of Minsk stadium "Dynama".

Renan Bressan and Stanislau Drahun scored, Georgia replied with three dangerous moments in the first half and roughness during the extra time.

Dollar, euro and Russian rouble decreased against Belarusian rouble on October 15.

The football players have visited Nyasvizh Castle and have also done some shopping in Minsk. They were disguised very well and nobody recognized them.

The Nobel Prize Committee in Oslo has taken the decision today. Belarusian human rights defender Ales Byalyatski was nominated for it.