Pavel Sviardlou

The National Bank still keeps its appearance in secret.

The most popular answers to this street poll made by Euroradio are absolutely controversial— "Of everything" or "I don't know".

The girls have described the details of their abduction and have gone through a medical check-up under police control in Yelsk hospital.

When the journalist argued that Nicolas Sarkozy had balls, the Belarusian leader announced his verdict: no balls either!

The former deputy head of the Belarusian State Broadcasting Company has not commented on his dismissal and does not know where he will work in the future.

Euroradio has interviewed the first and last USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev about the 20 years without the Soviet Union.

Uladzislau Kavalyou’s mother has told Euroradio about her short meeting with her son sentenced to death for terrorism.

The journalists who work in the correspondent office also passed re-accreditation successfully.

A meeting of the higher league coaches will be organized in the Football House on Monday.