Nasta Mantsevich

Market employees say that they have never heard about the “silent” action appointed for tomorrow.

As Euroradio has found out, an explosion has been imitated near Astravets construction site to study how the break may react to it.

Probably, the prices for fuel have not increased yet because of bureaucracy, thinks the deputy general manager of Mazyr oil processing plant.

However, their bodies are not given to relatives, the burial places remain secret and there is a dash in their death certificates.

A famous photographer who took pictures of numerous detentions at the silent protest action, shared his impressions.

LiveJournal user Litota_ photographed tanks being delivered to a military parade rehearsal in the centre of Minsk last night.

Although it was the first time when Russian Customs heard about our limitations, they say everything's legal.

Ideologists advise Belarusians to watch TV and to remember that speech is silver but silence in gold.

They have acquired a good command of Spanish, became an Indian boy’s godparents, spent nights in luxury suits and in stinking garages.