Andrey Yeliseeu

The Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not made any comments yet.

A European expert has commented on silent actions, visa-free border agreements and differences in the EU member states’ attitude to Belarus.

The former presidential contender has managed to work in the institute for about two months after his release from prison.

In the opinion of the Russian political scientist, Belarusian leader parlayed on the communists and Putin at the election 2012.

Car sellers are complaining that the work “has come to a standstill” and are considering the possibility of selling fruit and vegetables.

All these and some other things have been included into the list of objects which might be used for internal repressions.

It has happened at a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Luxemburg.

Foreign Ministers will discuss the situation in Belarus and new restrictions in Luxemburg.

However, Belarus falls behind the most corrupted EU country by 50 points, according to the world corruption perceptions index.