Ales Piletski

The Fuhrer can be purchased along with Stalin and other heroes and anti-heroes of the Second World War - they are part of a chess set.

Lukashenka asked Shapira to take control of all the Jews, but the owner of the "misbehaved."

The winner of the beauty contest Queen Spring 2013 was noticed in the President’s circle during the last year’s State of the Nation Address.

Neither for Lyabedzka nor for UCP there is an opposition candidate with whom they could work.

Last year, he was convicted of power abuse and causing great damage to the company.

Authorities in charge of ideology in Belarus move to ban the screening of the US-made movie about WWII, apparently to join the ban in Russia.

Minsk-based trucks maker MAZ is back to business after suspending production line for about two weeks.

Lawyers believe that avoiding paying the tax will be almost impossible.

The Council of the Republic chairman chose to fly business class with Belavia over a VIP government plane.