War in Donbass

Separatists controlling a number of the city districts have urged local inhabitants to come to the central square, espresso.tv reports.

An anti-terrorist operation has started in this Donetsk Oblast city this morning.

An anti-terrorist operation has started in Donetsk Oblast of Ukraine this morning.

All militants’ roadblocks have been liquidated after the release of the TV centre.

The Ukrainian riot police are conducting a special operation in Sloviansk, Donetsk Oblast, this morning. They are attacking militants’ positions.

An anti-terrorist operation has started in this Ukrainian city today, on May 2.

The Ukrainian riot police have attacked pro-Russia militants in Donetsk Oblast this morning.

A Belarus citizen and two Russia nationals were arrested by Ukraine's border guards and security service at a border post in Luhansk oblast.

Militants are shooting at Ukrainian soldiers and human rights activists near Kramatorsk and Sloviansk in Donetsk Oblast.