War in Donbass

An infantry fighting vehicle of Russia's Pskov Airborne Division was seized in the battle near Lugutin, Lugansk Oblast, on August 20.

Head of the Ukrainian Customs Office Anatoli Makarenko has written it on Facebook.

The first Russian humanitarian aid truck has crossed the Russian border and is entering Ukraine.

Deputy spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State Marie Harf made a statement at a daily news briefing on August 19.

Its spire has also been painted blue and yellow.

There are several dozen tanks, APCs and IFVs in the column – about 40 vehicles.

Corresponding decree 571 was published on the official website of the Russian President on August 18.

The Ukrainian President wants the operation to be more effective in order to minimize the damage done by terrorists.

The TV channel Child’s Smile has shown a cartoon where the Ukrainian air forces are openly bombing Donets Basin.