War in Donbass

People in western Ukraine kneel in front of the catafalque transporting soldiers’ bodies (video).

About 8 more thousands were wounded in Ukraine, according to Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council.

The man was heading for Rostov-on-Don from Donetsk.

Russian troops and militants are preparing armed provocations to disrupt the truce signed in Minsk on September 5.

Experts have up to 45 days to examine the crash site before it may snow in eastern Ukraine.

MP Vadim Soloviyeov who heads the legal service of Communist Party suggests that Russian soldiers be banned from uploading their army photos online.

Artillery blasts could be heard all night long, inhabitants of occupied Donets Basin cities say.

Vadzim Vasileuski was helping Donetsk separatists in the conflict.

The international community will keep an eye on it.