War in Donbass

Stanislau Hancharou aka Terror Machine was No 1 on the wanted list of wanted Belarusians who fought in eastern Ukraine.
Azov fighter Stanislau Hancharou from Belarus is facing charges for a crime committed in November 2013.
He enjoyed authority with fellow soldiers for his uncompromising stand.
The defendant argues that he had only a training grenade on him.
Taras Avatarau from Right Sector will be tried at Minsk's Frunzenski District Court.
According to the Minister of Internal Affairs, the police are investigating Belarusians fighting on both sides in Ukraine.
The oppositionist said that he would not give any explanations.
57.8% of Belarusians think that the annexation of Crimea by Russia is ‘the return of Russian lands and restoration of historical j
It will commemorate Mikhail Zhyzneusky, Aliaksandr Charkashyn and Vitali Tsilizhanka.