Alyaksandr Lukashenka

The Oval Hall in the National Assembly of Belarus /
The Oval Hall in the National Assembly of Belarus /
President Lukashenka has postponed his annual address to the National Assembly and people, ordering to rewrite the text.
Artist, portrait and tractor /​
Artist, portrait and tractor /​
The artist painted a portrait of the Belarusian leader last year and quickly sold it.
Vitsebsk Hospital / Belsat
Vitsebsk Hospital / Belsat
COVID19 victim's son: The head of Belarus has taken no necessary measures to protect the population from the dangerous virus.
Simferopol, 2014 / Reuters
Simferopol, 2014 / Reuters
Attempts are being made to play out the Crimean scenario in Belarus.
Svetlana Alexievich / Euroradio
Svetlana Alexievich / Euroradio
The Nobel laureate reckons that both the authorities and opposition do not like their own people.
Aliaksandr Lukashenka and Vladimir Putin / TASS​
Aliaksandr Lukashenka and Vladimir Putin / TASS​
President Lukashenka says "the moment of truth has come" as his meeting with President Putin is "highly likely."
Vladimir Putin and Alyaksandr Lukashenka / Reuters​
Vladimir Putin and Alyaksandr Lukashenka / Reuters​
What does the Russian president's Constitutional reform mean for Belarus?
Pekka Haavisto / Reuters
Pekka Haavisto / Reuters
Finland's Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto tells Euroradio President Lukashenka would like to develop Belarus in that direction.
Belarusian and Russian delegations in Sochi on 7 December 2019 / Reuters
Belarusian and Russian delegations in Sochi on 7 December 2019 / Reuters
Belarus and Russian Presidents will meet again on 20 December after failing to reach agreement on 'deeper integration' on Saturday