Teacher: I have to pay 300 thousands for paid hobby groups and subscription

After the distribution, Alyaksey works at the Magilyou district school. In September the young specialist was asked to pay 300,000 for mugs and subscriptions. He has a salary of 3 million. 

"Every month teachers are raising money for paid services, such as extra classes for students. In other schools, the children pay the bank and bring the receipt. And we have just collected 150 thousand rubles, and we somehow have to collect the money," says Alyaksey to Euroradio.

I also have to pay for "mandatory" subscription to publications every three months.

“"There are "SB. Belarus Today","Teacher". Besides, we spend about 30 thousands a day on trasportation and then what's left of the salary," asks the English teacher Alyaksey

"It's against the law," respond the representatives of the Magiliou regional executive committee to the initiative to implement the plan.

"In general, if there is such a situation, it is against the law. But there are a different situations. Today it is impossible to say that education is funded by the industry needs. If there is a demand for teachers, why not create paid services. But the plans, as such, are nonexistent," they said in the education department

And they added that if the school conducts paid classes, the earned money also adds up to the teacher's salary.

At the Maladzechna school they do not collect money for paid hobby groups. Teachers here pay for...concerts. 

"It is unions' work. When there is a concert, you do not want to go, but you have to buy a ticket, because now it's your turn. If there is another concert, someone else will buy it," says already ex-teacher Volga

She left the wprk at the school this year, already after two years of compulsory work for the state. 

The teachers' average salary for July of this year was 4.7 millions, it is without pays for the subscription, paid hobby groups and concerts, counts the National Statistical Committee. 

Photo: thewallpapers.org